We create stories
that evolve human consciousness
We believe there is a common root to the major problems that afflict society.
Climate change, inequality, addiction, racism, extinction – all of these issues
stem from the same root source – a faulty story about ourselves and the world.
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If you want to understand or influence human behavior, you must understand their story.
Stories are what drive our world.
We create stories that help people to
understand ideas, concepts, and research at both an intuitive and rational level.
Video Storytelling
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What if the greatest act of courage in war wasn’t fighting—but choosing peace?

Is our pursuit of economic growth blinding us to ecological disaster? Discover how conventional economics could be leading us astray with David Suzuki.

How can we transform our role from Earth’s conquerors to its healers, reigniting the ancient wisdom that regenerate the Earth?
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"Wolves have long been persecuted here in my region to the point of complete eradication by the 1930s. Much of that persecution was based on hate and fear of the species. The conflicts were dramatically overblown as a means for justifying extermination campaigns. A common phrase here: the only good wolves are dead ones. Your film How Wolves Change Rivers has done more to liberate the wolf from historic bias than anything else I've seen working in the field for wolf conservation for over 30 years. It has given millions of viewers a chance to reframe their image of wolves from the horrific beast of myth to an ecologically key driver of ecosystem health. I'm so deeply in gratitude for your work for all species but it is the wolf that has suffered so much in my region from our lack of understanding and compassion. Thank you. Howls from the northlands."
Suzanne Asha StoneIdaho, United States
"I wish I could share this and spread it to the entire world. I understand your videos 100%. It is amazing and on the next level. I have been speaking about these things for so long but it is difficult to express it. Your videos are perfect in expressing my emotions of thought. I wish your message is spread across the globe. However there's a small percentage of people that takes note and thinks about things like this. Most people are just comfortable being robots of a system or they are blind to it. Your insight is amazing and may you go from strength to strength and I hope that these videos makes a difference in the thought processes of humans. May your videos spread to all 4 corners of the globe."
Mus'aad F.
"There is addiction all around us - he’s so correct. I have an addiction to consumerism... and I was wrong - I thought I didn’t have anything I wanted to change... but I do. I want to live a more minimalist lifestyle. I don’t need all the “stuff” I have. I just opened a portion of my closet I forgot I had, and found 15 pairs of pants with tags still on. I will reduce my consumerism this year."
"In ten minutes on your page you have blown my mind completely and made me think deeper and harder about what we are doing to the planet and to ourselves. Please never stop making videos. Not till now have I thought of our destructive habits and how we take the very life source and conquer it, then confine it into what we think is necessary. For instance, wrappers and packaging for products that all in time end up in the garbage slowly poisoning the Earth and our surroundings for false happiness - when it's all around us and inside us. How do we stop the cycle before it's to late? I want my great grandchildren to live in a sustainable world without suffering and by the looks of things that won't be possible. How do we make a major impact soon?"
Goose M.
"Almost everyday I wake, I watch a video from this group and I cry. I cry because each topic has impacted me over my life. I’ve thought deeply about them and I’ve always struggled to find solutions, often laying awake late at night asking who the fuck is responsible for all of this? Obviously we, and I mean we the people of this world, perpetuate these problems but if we find the source then perhaps something can be done about it. Over time, I found that asking how and why irrelevant because it won’t fix the problem. I’m so damn happy that this group exists and that it seems to be making an impact because I now think that asking who may be irrelevant too. I’ve always felt that if you inform and educate the people non-violently then perhaps we would see change, I’ve just never known how to. Thank you for creating this group. Keep it up because I think it’s important for more people to cry everyday."
Tree W.
"These videos, snippets of someone else's thoughts and feelings which are not unlike my own help me to feel like I am not alone. Living among the masses who wake up every day and accept their circumstances as permanence. I am wholly unhappy with this world and my place in it, but I feel that my being aware and sharing my perspective will help those in my immediate circle to question this reality. We can change the course of the future together."
"Love love love these insights and perspectives for change I believe in and wish to imagine. So so so grateful that this has come into my vision and I wish for the messages to be shared everywhere and beyond. If I imagine myself connected to the cyano-bacterium all is right and good with my world. Beautiful impactful visions in the most positive way. Gives me personally hope and courage to continue, mindfully. More support to ya."
Dee Magra
"Thank you!! I was really feeling hopeless and discouraged. I felt like I was preaching in the desert when telling people that we only have one planet, we are all citizens of the world, that everything is interconnected and that we need to stop destroying our environment because all the money in the world will not save us. I have a child and I have been losing sleep over the future that is going to be his, if any. I love all your videos, they match my way of thinking 100%, and I'm sharing the link to your website with all my English speaking friends, hoping that we can become a force for change."
Benedicte RaoulIreland
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