How can you measure changing hearts and minds?
Most non-profit organizations are organized around quantitative results. “We fed this many people.” “We distributed this many solar ovens.” “We built this many homes.” All of that is valuable and needed work in the world.
But our mission is a bit different. We are trying to change the story of the world by creating and sharing stories that offer a more holistic, interconnected understanding of the world and our place in it. There is no quantitative measurement for that.
However, there are qualitative metrics for this work. They take their form in people’s words of gratitude. Because when people change their story and that new story offers them a different perspective that enables them to engage in the world in positive, healthy, pro-social, pro-environmental ways, they become grateful. The world is a anew again.
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Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
How Has Sustainable Human Impacted You?
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How Our Stories Change Lives
"All the videos are a beautiful testament to the creative potential that lies within us. Very well done for them all."
"Thank you Sustainable Human for your incredible use of imagery and words in your videos. You are a resounding voice of coherence and mindfulness. I am deeply moved by your vision. Know that you have inspired deep conversations and thought with your posts in a world filled with chaos. Peace."
"I cry tears of joy reading your posts. You write things my soul has been telling me for years."
"I'm not sure what your doing to me, but you've helped me to see things differently. You are one more stepping stone on the path of understanding and your giving me lots to think about! THANK YOU. Please don't stop. It's making a difference to me."
"Hey! I know you guys probably get messages like this all the time but I just want to say I love your page and message so much. Whenever I’m down and I feel like there’s no hope I watch one of your videos and it inspires and motivates me to continue with my personally journey towards our shared goal. It reminds me that I’m not alone in this struggle and that other people do understand and want a better future and that together, we can do it."
"Thank you for making these important videos. They are certainly inspiring me to think outside the box, reassuring me that there are lots of other people who care and want to reconnect with Nature and who are willing to take action to reform our dysfunctional society."
"I have watched several of the videos and wales impact on their ecosystem was the most powerful for me. The level of complexity with the video of the wolves was very impressive, but the message of letting life of the whales thrive will also benefit us was really moving to me."
On behalf of all the religious education students I have shown your video(s) to when promoting care for our Common Home, THANK YOU! "How Wolves Change Rivers is a favorite and I have shared it since 2017, with 5th graders, to teach them that we humans cannot make a better plan for Mother Earth than what God made, long before humans entered the scene. The students are always so excited to point out what they noticed and learned when watching it. They are in awe afterwards."