You Are Alive For A Reason

Are you ready to uncover the true reason you’re alive and how it can transform our world?

In this compelling and transformative video, Claire Dubois delves into the profound significance of our existence during one of the most tumultuous times in human history. As we face unprecedented chaos and challenges, Claire invites us to explore the deeper purpose behind our incarnation on this planet. She challenges the notion of coincidence, suggesting that an immense intelligence orchestrates our presence here, urging us to remember our true essence and purpose.

Claire emphasizes the intrinsic connection between humanity and the Earth, highlighting how we are made from the very elements of our planet. She calls for a radical shift from the consumer-driven mindset that dominates our collective consciousness to one rooted in truth, restoration, and genuine relationship with nature. By addressing the pervasive conditioning and traumas that distort our true selves, Claire inspires us to reconnect with our innate truth and authenticity.

As we navigate through these transformative times, Claire encourages us to embrace our collective brilliance and unique gifts. She believes that within each of us lies a different truth, waiting to be uncovered and expressed. By tuning into our integrity and authenticity, we can create a frequency of truth that allows us to come home to ourselves and contribute to the greater good of the planet.

This video serves as a powerful reminder that now is the time for radical behavior, generosity, and brilliance. Claire urges us to take bold steps, support each other, and realize that our ideas and actions can shape a brighter future. By embracing our purpose and living in harmony with nature, we can navigate through the chaos and emerge stronger, more connected, and aligned with our true essence.

So life happens and here we are.

And we are for whatever reason incarnate at one of the most radical times in human history. The most radical bit is yet to come. I think we are walking into absolute chaos.

And I think we have incarnated because we want to be here. I just don’t really believe in coincidence. I think there is an immense intelligence that is running the show. And we are all facets of that intelligence and we are here to remember who and what we are and why we are. And it is not what we’ve been taught. And it is not what we’ve been conditioned with. This is not what humanity is supposed to be. It’s just not.

We are made for this planet. She is in is. We are her. We are breathing her. She is breathing us. We’ve got oceans and rivers and rain in our blood. We are made of the rocks and the fire and we act as if somehow we are superior?

It’s so upside down as to be astonishing. But the amazing thing about being lost is being found. So we are the ones who are standing at that point of greatest lostness where untruth is prevailing. The flip from radical bullshit to radical truth is sitting in our hands.

And the thing is we are encoded with it. Because we are not bullshit. And we are not designed for lies, we are designed to ring with truth. We are designed to ring with truth because we are the truth. Because we are Nature. Therefore, we’ve just got to deal with this weird ego crap that is so well indoctrinated and then the conditioned traumas that we’ve got bedded down like sedimentary rock in our systems that feel so pervasive and that contort us and contract us into what we’re not. 

Collective consciousness is rooted in consumption. We are called consumers. We are not called restorers, we are not even called citizens anymore. We are labeled by the act of taking, which is fundamentally remarkably disrespectful to the brilliance and the love and the capacity for care…

I do not believe that the world is thriving in the guise of being a consumer. I do not believe that how we are living as human beings is creating happiness. 

It is relationship that is missing. It is the heart that is missing. We have turned our relationship with this planet into something of a commodity as if somehow if we trash the whole thing to make money we are going to survive but we’re not. 

The reality is that inside each of us is a different truth that is accessible. You just have to figure out how to hit it. It’s like being a tuning fork, tuning to the integrity or the authenticity of a human being. Being that thing. Creating a frequency that holds such a level of truth that is permission to come home to yourself. 

And as soon as you’ve made that shift and there is like an opening. There is a curiosity, not just a “what needs to be done?” But what is in here that may be wanting to come out? What is unlived in each of us? 

There’s no excuse anymore to sit on our gifts or our generosity or our brilliance or our radical behaviors. It’s time for radical. 

Our collective brilliance has to be the thing that brings us through. If you have an idea, it is time for it! And if you haven’t got the guts to do it, find somebody who will hold your hand because they will believe in you. And that has to be the way forward. 

Clare Dubois is the founder and CEO of, a global women’s movement spanning multiple countries, that has collectively funded the planting of over 19 million trees. TreeSisters is a social change movement and a tropical reforestation organization working towards normalizing cultural reciprocity with nature. The aim of both Clare and TreeSisters is to make it as normal to give back to nature as it currently is to take nature for granted while supporting humanity in its transition from a consumer species to a restorer species. Before founding TreeSisters, Clare worked internationally for over two decades, coaching business leaders and facilitating group behavior change processes in multiple sectors. Known for her direct, catalytic energy, her inspirational speaking, and her holistic approach to collective transformation, Clare is a walking invitation to anyone ready to step up and step in on behalf of the planet.

“I just love this video… thank you~~~!”

We can make a difference : be the change! Let’s go vegan, become minimalist and grow our own food with permaculture! 💖😍🤗”

“Thanks Sustainable Human. What an inspiration you are.”

“This is a beautiful, inspiring, piece that speaks deeply to my heart and calls me to step up to offer my gifts. Thank you for this.”

“Wow! Thank you Clare Dubois, TreeSisters and sustainable human!”


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How to translate sustainable human videos

Here is some instruction so you can easily translate the videos.

Required Tools:

- A Computer.
- Internet Connection.
- A basic text editor program like Notepad or Wordpad.

What Is a .SRT File?

A .SRT file extension is a SubRip Subtitle file. These types of files hold video subtitle information like the start and end timecodes of the text and the sequential number of subtitles.

Steps To Translate A Video

Step 1 : Locate the appropriate .SRT file.
In the embedded spreadsheet below, find the title of the video you wish to translate. Check to be sure that your language has not been translated yet.


Step 2: Download the SRT file.
Double-click on the .SRT file for the video you wish to translate. Click on the Download button.
Step 3: Translate the file.
Open the file using any basic text editor program such as Notepad or Wordpad or equivalent. Do not open in Microsoft Word as it will corrupt the formatting. After opening the file, you want to REPLACE the English text with your language, line by line, keeping all numerical and time formatting. When you finish, rename the file with the name of the language you translated.
Step 4: Upload your new .SRT file using form below.
When you submit your translation file and provide your email, we will inform you once we have uploaded it to the video. Please allow for 24-48 hours for us to do this as it is a manual process.

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