The Secret To A Relationship With A Wild Animal

Is there a secret to having close relationships with wild animals?

“The Secret To A Relationship With a Wild Animal” unveils the profound journey of connecting deeply with wildlife, as narrated by Steve Karlin. This insightful video explores the essence of forming a respectful and meaningful relationship with wild creatures, starting with a journey inward. Karlin emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and presence, illustrating that a true connection with animals requires a genuine understanding of oneself. He shares his experiences in Yosemite Park, where his meditative state allowed him to become a part of the natural world, witnessing the vibrant life that usually remains hidden to the bustling human presence.

Karlin delves into the parallels between human and animal perception, explaining how different sensory experiences shape the reality of various species. He stresses the importance of respect and recognition of the intrinsic value of all living beings, advocating for an approach that sees animals as conscious beings with rights independent of human validation. The video highlights the contrast between human-centric views and a more holistic understanding of life, where every creature has its unique role and perspective.

Furthermore, Karlin shares personal anecdotes, such as his experiences with his wolf, Cheyenne, to illustrate the depth of animal consciousness and the importance of mindfulness in interactions with them. He challenges viewers to reconsider their self-narratives and the impact these have on their ability to connect with the natural world. By advocating for inner work and self-reflection, Karlin reveals that when we clear our internal landscapes, we become more attractive and trustworthy to wild animals.

“The Secret To A Relationship With a Wild Animal” is not just a guide to interacting with wildlife but a call to redefine our place in the natural world. It invites viewers to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, respect, and empathy, opening the door to magical encounters with our animal brethren.

To have a relationship with a wild creature, first you have to have a relationship with yourself. You have to know who you are because these animals are not going to automatically trust anything. They’re out there living in the wild. These animals have to worry about survival and they have to worry about being eaten and eating and accomplishing the task of new babies to perpetuate the species.

I was up in Yosemite Park a few years ago hiking in the trails and I walked off the trail about 20 feet and sat on this log and went into a meditative zero space with my eyes open and all of a sudden what I thought was just a landscape started becoming full of all these critters. These little critters started coming out to eat the leaves and the birds started coming out to eat the insects and there was this multitude and incredible activity going on around me that wasn’t happening until I settled myself into that zero state. I was sitting there for fifteen minutes watching all this go on when I heard what sounded like a father and his son walking down a trail and talking. As soon as their voices were heard, all these little things scattered away and camouflaged with the environment as if they didn’t exist.

When we go out into nature and we sit there, a lot of people will want animals to come to them. In their mind, they’re saying, “Come here, come here, come here.” If you went to a shopping mall and you saw someone attractive that you wanted to start a conversation with, would you walk over to them and say, “Come here, come here, come here, I love you, I love you, I love you?” No, you would be the biggest creep in the world. Why do we think that’s all right to do with the animals outside? If we’re always pushing and domineering the landscape with our presence, these other living beings are just going to move away from us. They are not going to want deal with our arrogance or the energy we’re putting out there. They will just ignore us or go off and do their own business.

What we need to do is sit down and just go to that zero point, that place of quietness inside where we can have relationships and understand what is going on around us.

To have a relationship with a wild creature has a lot to do with respect, understanding the living being that’s in front of you and that it is alive, so it has all the rights that it needs to exist. It doesn’t need a manifesto so that humans can prove that it has some sort of benefit to humans so we can keep this animal alive. These animals are extremely aware and conscious animals for what they have to do in this world. They’re not aware like humans are but we’re not aware like they are.

When they look out of their eyes they don’t see what we see. Some of them see ultraviolet light, some of them can see very clearly for hundreds of yards, some of them can’t see further than a foot away from their heads, some of them see color, some of them don’t see color. When they listen with their ears, what they hear is not the same as what we hear. When they taste, their taste buds are different. When they smell, some of them smell hundreds of times better than we can, some of them can’t smell at all. They all have their own input of senses and their own sense of being who they are and how they react to the world around them. Then we as human beings have the ability to reach out to them and they have the ability to reach out to us and when the being of that wild animal and the being inside you is yearning for a relationship and it touches, that’s the magic.

With my wolf Cheyenne was alive, she really helped me with a meditative, mindfulness practice because if I was in this wolf’s enclosure and I started to think about something else, immediately within seconds that wolf knew I was not one hundred percent with her. And she would lift up her lip and start growling at me, telling me, “You are here with me now. You be here. Don’t think about other things. Don’t be outside this thing. Be with the magic that is taking place between me and you at this moment.”, she was physically telling me, “Meditate, be still.”

Meditation is not always with your eyes closed, being remote from humans, and remote from everything. a lot of it has to do with what happens when you’re eyes are open and you’re walking around in this world. Who are you? Are you out for yourself? Are you becoming a martyr? Who are you? Are you judging everything by standards that you’re not even sure of? Maybe you can just be who you are. We all have a self narrative about who we are but like any story we can change it. We have the power of the pen, which is our consciousness. We have the power of rewriting our own story, which is inner work. And that’s just as important as outer work. It really helps clear you out and when you’re cleared out inside, these animals tend to want to look at you and they’re attracted to you.

Steve Karlin has spent the last 40 years exploring the amazing and mysterious relationships between humans, nature and animals. As the founder of Wildlife Associates and the Wild Teachers Wildlife Sanctuary, Steve has been living with wild animals for more than thirty four years and has developed lifelong relationships with lions, wolves, eagles, bears, alligators, foxes, among many others. Steve’s unique experiences and insights into the animal realm have led him to appear on Larry King Live, Discovery Channel, Disney Channel, Animal Planet, National Geographic Explorer, PBS, and his own syndicated and Telly Award winning TV segment, Earth Journal.

“Wow, what an incredibly moving, heart-warming and soul-stirring video, and so near and dear to my own life path. I wish this kind of content went viral and inspired humans on this Earth instead of the mind-numbing nonsense that is all too prevalent. Thank you so much for making this beautiful video.”

“After 4 years of trying to become a friend with lions, it worked! It takes time but you’ll get there.”

“Beautiful and inspiring. Very good points on befriending wildlife. You hit on some principles that I’ve aligned myself with for years, and you introduced some new concepts that I’m going to practice in the future. Thank you!”

I wish that i could have a relationship with a wild creature, that nobody else has the same one, with the same exact creature! the first thing to do is to understand myself it’s going to take awhile but i can do this!”

“This video helps me understand so much more. Thank you.”

“Best video I’ve watched in a long time. ✊ Thank you!”

“I looked for something practical and you came up with this soft, gentle, deep and very practical tips. I cried gently too and this became my favorite video on YT so far. Thank you for your words, your time, your life here on Earth. Namaste.”


For more from Steve Karlin, visit:

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