. sustainable human

Whether you have a ton of money or none at all, there are many ways to help.


Donations help us to afford the many expenses of video production and market our videos to the world.

Other ways to donate

Patreon is a community whereby you can support us (and your other favorite creators) and receive exclusive perks for your monthly contribution.

Click or Scan the QR code to donate:

If you would like to send us some bitcoin, we’d be so grateful.

Bitcoin Address: 3QaVKf8sbBgzWrVf2VQH8Nw2oKyThUjkKF

If you would like to send us etherium or other crypto, please use this address.

MetaMask Address: 0xA4F7B2508AFdb6D34cc71Acf351Ffd8C8008001f


Helping us change the story certainly does not require a financial donation. Here are all the ways you can support us.

Leave Your Impact Testimonial

Most non-profit organizations are organized around quantitative results. “We fed this many people.” “We distributed this many solar ovens.” “We built this many homes.” All of that is valuable and needed work in the world.

But our mission is a bit different. We are trying to change the story of the world by creating and sharing stories that offer a more holistic, interconnected understanding of the world and our place in it. There is no quantitative measurement for that.

However, there are qualitative metrics for this work. They take their form in people’s words of gratitude. Because when people change their story and that new story offers them a different perspective that enables them to engage in the world in positive, healthy, pro-social, pro-environmental ways, they become grateful. The world is a anew again.


Changing the story of the world is not something any person or organization can do alone. It requires the effort of many people. Find out ways you can contribute your time to helping to shift human consciousness.

Make us your preferred charity

Many companies these days enable you to specify a charity that they will support when you shop on their website. Sustainable Human is a registered 501c3 non-profit.