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Thank you for reaching out to us regarding your storytelling inquiry. We will make every attempt to get back to you regarding your within 24 hours.
In the meantime, please check out some of our past videos:

The Power Of Resistance
What does it take to resist radical evil and how can this knowledge help us toward intelligent resistance?

The Goal Of Life Is Not To Survive It
Why does society so often focus on survival? Is the goal of life simply to survive it?

America’s Gun Fetish
What is at the root of the mass shootings and culture of gun violence that plagues the United States?

How To Have A Relationship With A Wild Animal
What does it take to have a real relationship with a wild animal?

How To Understand A Human Being
Is there a lens with which you might be able to understand any human behavior?

What Is It Like To Be You?
How might this single question lead us to ending all war?

What Kids Need Most
What is the one thing that kids need most from their parents?

Mutiny of the Soul
When does the time come when the soul says it has had enough?

You Are Alive For A Reason
Do you ever feel like you are alive right now for a reason?

The Lie About Human Nature That’s Making Us Miserable
Are our society’s values based on selfishness, competition, and materialism creating a culture that is out of sync with our true human nature, causing widespread suffering and unhappiness?

How Wealth Changes People
What does science have to say about how wealth change people’s behavior?

To The Ones Consumed By Darkness
What must we address if ever hope to achieve lasting peace?